Summer and Sabbatical Stuff

Finishing up the academic quarter here. It's this time of year when I truly wish Western Washington University was on the quarter system, but alas. Many of my students know I'm going on sabbatical next year. One of my students asked how I managed to keep working, knowing that I'll be on a 9-month vacation soon. I told her "because this is what I do." It hasn't been easy and my students don't witness my whining and pining about the television set, sighing and procrastinating. But in the classroom, I like to think I've managed to maintain an air of professionalism.


I've let this blog lapse quite a bit and I plan on revitilizing it as a place for my process notes. I'm working on three books concurrently, which is quite a feat for me. It's been hard to keep their individual projects straight in my head, and I don't keep a journal, so I imagine this blog will be my process journal for my sabbitical projects. Bear with me as I throw out a bunch of half-processed ideas.


I promise I'll be better about updating you, dear blog.


Current Spin:


Oliver de la Paz